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Sign up to use TaylorMade Sports Academy's NEW HitTrax to further enhance your game with a detailed analysis of every swing.


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What is HitTrax?
"HitTrax is the first and only baseball (and softball) data capture and simulation system that provides the powerful combination of performance data and entertainment value. Using patent-pending technology, HitTrax measures and displays real-time data in a manner that is bringing the baseball (and softball) industry to the next level."


Members (monthly fee+)
+ 30 minutes - $30
+ 1 hour - $60

+ 30 minutes - $40 plus $10 cage rental ($50)
+ 1 hour- $80 plus $10 cage rental ($90)

Monthly HitTrax Membership:
+ Per month - $145
       The monthly HitTrax membership allows a single individual to book and use 1 of 2 available HitTrax cages for a single month. You will be shown how to run the HitTrax upon purchasing this membership. You will be able to email yourself the stats from your session and see results in real-time. After purchasing this membership, text Jeff Taylor at (256) 375-6962 for your initial training and also to schedule your sessions. This membership requires you to schedule sessions in advance and does not include drop in usage.

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